
Sunday, November 25, 2012

Ectopic Pregnancy

Just got back from our latest ultrasound. As of Friday my hcg had risen to 1024 and whereas it should have been a good sign, in my case with nothing being found at all in my uterus, it wasn't good news.

Ultraound today revealed the same small mass Dr. J had seen on Friday and that had not changed. But, on closer inspection, she did see a mass in my right tube measuring 6w1d. Today I am supposed to be 6 weeks. So, the mass combined with nothing again in my uterus, Dr. J was certain that I am having an ectopic pregnancy.

She looked and looked to make sure. Checked my cervix and all surrounding areas that an embryo could have implanted. So I have no doubt about the ectopic diagnosis.

So, I had to get the Methotrexate shots, one in each hip, intramuscularly. Stung a bit, but wasn't too bad. It is a chemotherapy drug that strips your body of folic acid and stops the growth of cellular tissue quickly. If I didn't get the shots then I would have run the risk of having my tube rupture and have internal bleeding. I don't want to lose a tube and I seriously don't want to hemorrhage.

So now, we have to have my blood levels checked on Wednesday and Saturday. If the levels are going down well, then I will just have blood tests weekly to monitor my levels to 0. If they are not going down well by Saturday, then I will have to get another dose of the Methotrexate.

After my numbers are at 0, I will have to wait another "normal" cycle before we can try again. So that puts us in around late January-February to try again. In the mean time, I am not to have any folic acid supplements or foods, as well as no ibuprofen or aspirin, alcohol or a lot of sun exposure.

So, as it is, am I the most unlucky person in the world?! Only 1% of the population will ever have more than 3 miscarriages, and about 1 on 50 pregnancies are ectopic. I don't anyone who has has an ectopic. I am a statistical nightmare.

But on the flip side, 85% of women who have 3 or more losses will go on to have a normal pregnancy and my risk for another ectopic is higher than the rest of the normal population,  but not by too much. There's always a rainbow after a storm...I just have to find it.

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