
Saturday, October 20, 2012

Still Here, Still Trying

Well, I was really hoping that I would be able to come and post sooner about a positive pregnancy test again, but that is not to be. We are currently on our 7th cycle post chemical pregnancy and have started a new course of action. I finally met with my RE (reproductive endocrinologist) in September to discuss what steps we would need to take if and when I got pregnant again. I am so happy I got the nerve to go back because I had a lot of questions answered and some clarification of concerns I had. So, in that appointment, we decided that I would do some more genetic testing for Fragile X syndrome and Stu would have his karyotyping done (DNA test to make sure it is normal. Both tests came back just fine, so it does not appear that we are carriers of any genetic diseases. Also, the RE took a look at my thyroid levels and decided to prescribe Synthroid to manage Hashimoto's disease. I am currently negative for the antibodies, but my regular endocrinologist says its a matter of time. My RE agreed but also said that my thyroid problems could be a cause for my "recurrent miscarriages". So, after all that, the RE said that she wanted me to be as aggressive as I was comfortable with to get pregnant. Because I have low ovarian reserve, it will onl get worse. She said that one of the most common causes of this in younger women is due to auto-immune disorders. So we agreed to try Femara/Letrozole with an HCG trigger shot. The Femara should help develop my eggs better and will hopefully give me a couple of eggs to release at ovulation time. I have started my Femara and will go in again next Friday for a mid-cycle ultrasound to see how the follicles are developing and also for a SHG (sonohystogram- fluid ultrasound to check for uterine abnormalities). We are not doing IUI this month and will probably hold off until January for that. So, once again, I am hopeful, but still nervous about taking drugs for fertility. So wish us luck!

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