
Saturday, March 31, 2012

cat + dog=crazy

So our morning (and evening) routine is a bit hectic with having two high-needs animals and it almost feels like it would be getting ready for a baby (minus waking up multiple times in the night)... In the morning, it is a juggling act of rotating the animals in the house so that they don't go after each other. Rosie goes first outside, then we bring her in and I have to get Bob's food ready so that he can get his insulin injection. And because I feel so guilty about leaving him in the basement so long, I sit down there with him for awhile.

Then it's back up to where Rosie wants to play and Richard (our nickname, if you will, for Bob) is meowing at the basement door. And all I want is my coffee and a little time on the internet! So by the time everyone is fed, injected and pottied, it's off to work a little later than I had planned where I then get to spend the day with 17 high needs kids!

Routine repeats itself at night where Richard gets his injection, Rosie goes outside and then we have to lure her into her room for the evening. She is really catching on, she knows that after the night potty break, she comes in and gets a treat. Rosie keeps me honest... I haven't had this much physical activity in a long time and it feels really good to get out and walk her or play "fetch-the-ball-then-chase-after-me". I can only assume that those good endorphins are helping to relieve the stress of this whole journey to motherhood that I have been on for entirely too long.

Writing this doesn't make it seem so bad, but for some reason it feels a little crazy sometimes! I love having Rosie in our family (she's official as of yesterday when I got her dog tags) but I'm wondering how crazy it's going to be when we actually have a baby to add to it all! It is a challenge that I will wholeheartedly accept...with a little groaning along the way, I'm sure..

Friday, March 30, 2012

The Journey Still Continues

Still here, still waiting, still wondering why we haven't been able to announce wonderful news of a pregnancy in the works. By now, my friends who were pregnant as of my last post have all had their babies. Wonderful beautiful children who are so fortunate to have such wonderful parents. But I still remain the 1 in 4.

In October, I went back to my ob/gyn for my annual check up and she recommended the Clomid route again. I had tried two unsuccessful months of it and did not see great results (not to mention the side effects) so I was hesitant to try again. She convinced me. So for the next month I tried 100mg of Clomid, then the next two months 150mg (pretty much the highest dose anyone wants to try). I did get something out of all those rounds of Clomid... 3 large cysts... two the size of ping pong balls.

Let me back up a bit. In December, I finally had it and on a quick decision, I decided to contact a Reproductive Endocrinologist (RE). We had been trying for 9 cycles after our miscarriage to conceive again and frankly, I was done trying alone. Stu unfortunately had to come home to the announcement that I had an appointment the following Thursday... talk about quick.

So my RE discussed our tries at having a baby, my previous miscarriages, and all other things baby-making related. She said two things she noticed about me: 1. It takes me a long time to get pregnant and 2. I'm not able to keep the babies when I do get pregnant. Well duh, that's why I was there right?! She said that she wanted to do all the blood work and whole work up to figure out any underlying conditions that I might have and took me in for an ultrasound.

At that point, I was right in the middle of the Clomid cycle and had 4-5 follicles ready to go. Of course, we didn't get pregnant. Five targets... amazing how it missed. She also found that my lining was thin.. not good.

After that cycle, I went in for the blood work. Results? Low AMH (good= above 2, mine 1.2), higher FSH (good = below 10, mine 11.6) and of course.. the ping-pong cysts. Next step? Uh... birth control?

That was fun...

Cysts have shrunk and the plan was to go ahead with Femara (or Letrozole-another type of ovulation stimulating drug) combined with an HCG trigger shot to release the eggs and IUI (intrauterine insemination, a.k.a "turkey baster method". I found myself dragging my feet. Should I really disrupt my body yet again with drugs? How do I know the drugs didn't actually mess up my AMH and FSH? So many questions. We (yes Stu and I) decided that it was better to wait and try naturally again for awhile, at least until after our June vacation.

So it is settled. I have begun taking some supplements that my wonderful friend and clinical nutritionist recommended for me to get things more balanced. I remain ever...